Miss Tasty's Cafe

I chop, I dice, I mix until moistened, I whip to soft peaks, I boil, broil, bake and braise, simmer over medium heat, chill over night ... And of course, there's eating. Tasting, nibbling, chomping, savouring ... I'm a licking-the-bowl-clean, sopping-up-the-sauce, juice-running-down-my-fingers food enthusiast ... Yep. I love food.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"Twas the Season of Eating


So I've been so super busy (yah, I know, the excuse the of non-blogging bloggers everywhere, but sheesh. I mean, The Devouring Woman is cheating on her blog. I check every week. Such a tease.). I've been occupied with stuff like, oh, giving birth. And falling completely in love with this little morsel of sweet goodness called My Daughter.

But, that squishy-lovey subject is for my mama blog. Right here? The place for food.

And since my hands are, these days, generally either full of work or full of baby, and therefore without a lot of time to caress the keyboard, I'm gonna let the pictures do the talking. (I'm not sure anyone is still reading this anyway - but heck.)

So, the holidays brought cranberry-pomegranate cocktails (thanks, bro!) ...

Lasagna that couldn't-a been more homemade without making our own gat-dang cheese ...

And this lovely, simple Christmas brekkie of cranberry-orange scones, mini quiches, Bloody Marys (thanks, K!), and Clementines that were pretty much the only thing my darling 12-year-old cousin would eat ...

Plus, we made the family specialty - Pizzelles. I'm sorry, but these are ever so much prettier than sugar cookies. They are such a tradition in our family, they get their very own post.

New Year's Resolution #3: blog at Miss Tasty's Cafe more often!


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